Last night, as I went into prayer about beginning The Daniel Fast, I flipped open my Bible and it fell to Psalm 27, which couldn't have been more appropriate for the word my heart needed to hear.
Over the last couple months, I've been facing some of the most difficult times in my life. Uncertainty that I've never felt before has been a recurring emotion. Frustration and discontentment. Whats weirdest about it is that all my life (or at least the last 12 years), I've prided myself on having "stupid faith", which is to say I'm not easily shaken or driven to worry, but something about the last 4 months has been very draining physically and emotionally.
**insert Daniel Fast here**
I've decided to do (and complete) this Fast for a very simple reason. Life is very, very short and I want to realize what He has predestined for me so that I can fulfill my purpose and walk in prosperity and peace for however much longer I have here. No sense in wasting away in fear and frustration, confusion and broken relationships. I'm ready to get on with the business of LIFE and make it the best most rewarding life it can possibly be.
There will be challenges... major challenges. But the purpose of this blog is to chronicle the path this fast takes me as I work to find the balance of working through everyday obstacles and relationships toward becoming a better, stronger woman, daughter, niece, cousin, god-mother, friend (and someday, wife).
I pray that my posts and commentary on this blog are not taken as a measuring stick by which to judge or condemn me, nor used as a weapon against me at some point. We are all human and make mistakes so let me go ahead and admit (and apologize) to yall now for being imperfect. Lo siento.
Join me if you, too, are seeking God's revelations and renewed peace in your life. Send me an email here if you'd like to be a contributor the the blog and chronicle your own path on The Daniel Fast.
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